2023 / 2024 - Dates and Routes

All races can be done anytime  so long as you email me your time in the week of the race on Nicky9@runbg.co.uk by Thursday night.  

Anyone can do the races in daylight. 10 bonus points for doing the races in the dark . Ten Races to count for a Series Cake!  The route as on the map must be followed for all TRAIL Races - no shortcutting corners etc. Please close all gates on route, no matter how near the runner behind you is. Thank you.

Date Event Route Map
30th Oct week Race 1 - Broggin Trail Start/Finish Gateway to Strines road. Route on map. Run Anti clockwise

6th Nov week Race 2 - Midhopestones From Bolsterstone , New Hall Lane to Midhopestones and back along Mortimer Road and Long Lane. 6.31 miles with 750ft climb
13th Nov week Race 3 - Upper Midhope Trail Start/Finish Gateway to road. Route on map

20th Nov week Race 4 - Bar Dyke From Bolsterstone up to Allas Lane, Moor Lane to Bar Dyke, and a loop round Cowell House. 7.43 miles 1255ft climb
27th Nov week Race 5 - Cutthroat Trail Start/Finish Gateway to road. Route on map.
4th Dec week Race 6 - Walker Edge      From Bolsterstone, down to W end of Broomhead Res, up through Canyards, along Walker Edge, back past Snell House, Jack Bridge and Ewden Village. 6.35 miles 1020ft climb

11th Dec week Race 7 - Strines Trail Start/Finish Strines Top carpark Route on map.
18th Dec week Race 8 - Parkin Trail Start/Finish at 15mph sign/cul de sac gatepost. Go round Winhill to left. Parking on road by bridge.
Christmas week -
25th Dec week
Race 9 - Seal Edge Trail
In daylight so no Dark points
From Stile on the road. Route on map.
1st Jan week Race 10 - WinLosehill Trail Start / Finish on road.  Route on map.
8th Jan week Race 11 - More Hall Reservoir Start Bolsterstone, Either loop can be done first. One loop: run halfway down towards Broomhead Reservoir, but L at 265963 through the wood and along More Hall Reservoir to the main road, 2979557. Road back to Bolsterstone. 2nd Loop is round Hollin Busk. 6.38 miles 830ft climb

15th Jan week Race 12 - Broomhead Trail Start/Finish Gateway to road. Route on map.
22rd Jan week Race 13 - Wigtwizzle Reverse From Bolsterstone - down Yewtrees Lane, up Moor Lane to Mortimer Rd. Turn right, down and up to Lone Lane, right and right again onto Stone Moor Lane back to Bolsterstone. 6.31 miles 1000ft climb

New Winter 1.JPG (295140 bytes)

29th Jan week Race 14 - Orrell Crook Trail Start at Gate / Finish at the carpark. Use footpath to above Lockerbrook Farm, then run down track. Use access stiles / gates shown in purple splodges to cross walls. Go to the far end of Crook Hill rocks where there is a cairn.
5th Feb week Race 15 - Stannage Trail From Gas works at Moscar. Start/Finish on the road. Route on map.
12th Feb week Race 16 -  Brightholmlee  From Bolsterstone, to Ewden, Bank House, Peat Pits Fm, Brightholmlee, and back through Jack Bridge and Ewden. 6.70miles with 1300ft climb

19th Feb week Race 17 - Bolsterstone Trail Start/Finish at the Parking area. Route on map. You must go to, and touch the TRIG.
26th Feb week Race 18 - Moor Lane Top

From Bolsterstone , to Broomhead Bridge, up past Canyards, Lee Lane, Moor Lane Top where it joins Mortimer Rd, turn round, and direct back. 5.86 miles 1090ft climb

4th March week Race 19 - Crookstone Trail Start/Finish - Gate on road. Route on map. Parking area near cattle shed at Rowlee but leave the gate clear into the field. Path heads up initially, then after wall, head left to ridge to Crookstone summit.
11th March week Race 20 - Thornseat Trail Start/Finish Gateway to Strines road. Route on map.
Beware at Hallfield House - go up driveway, but look for gate on right when you reach a closed wooden gate in front of you. turn Hard Right and use Permissive Footpath round the house.
1) You must go to Broggin house and not take the shortcut through the field.
2) You must touch one of the Shooting Cabins before heading to the wall corner.
18th March week Race 21 - Ewden / Wigtwizzle   Bolsterstone, NW along Stone Moor Lane, Long Lane to the Mortimer Road. Down to Ewden, up and turn L along Moor Lane to Broomhead Reservoir, back up Yewtrees Lane. 6.31 miles, 1000ft climb.

25th March Presentation night Race
Race at 6.30pm from Strines pub. Route on Map. Presentation in a pub afterwards. 7.30pm